State Management Using Get
16 Jun 2020The following article assumes you are already aware of State Management Basics. We’ll be using a package called GET for this article.
If you want to learn about the basics follow the official Flutter documentation which explains State Management very good:
GET, Juiced State Manager
We do have multiple options to achieve this namingly InheritedWidgets, ScopedModel, Provider, Bloc, MobX etc. But we’ll be using GET which is not just a simple State Management solution but a Micro-Framework for Flutter. It has quite a lot that we can do with it like Dependency Management, Router, Utils/Helpers and more.
So basically GET is on Steroids. We’ll start by talking about how it can help us manage our state.
State Management
We’ll start by creating a new Flutter project. We’ll use the default counter app and modify it using GET.
Importing Package
In pubspec.yaml import GET package. pubspec will then look something like this:
Base Setup
In your main.dart rename MaterialApp to GetMaterialApp.
Create your ViewModel/Controller
Our ViewModel will have our business logic. Create getters and setters for the counter variable.
Wrap the widget you want to update in GetBuilder
To trigger an increment we’ll do something like this
Run your app and Voila!. That’s all you need.
Upcoming Articles
I’ll be writing a list of Articles that will cover almost everything that we can do with GET namingly:
- Dependency Management
- Router
- Other Fun Helpers/Utilities (SnackBars, Dialog, BottomSheet etc)
- Architecture using GET
Hope it helps.